Verðlaunaafhending Sprettfisks, stuttmyndakeppni Stockfish hátíðarinnar, fór fram á lokadegi hátíðarinnar. Nemendur Kvikmyndaskóla Íslands áttu rúman meirihluta þeirra verka sem tóku þátt í Sprettfisk og uppskáru verðlaun fyrir bestu leiknu stuttmyndina og bestu heimildastuttmyndina.
RÚV, KUKL og Trickshot gáfu verðlaunin. Verðlaunaverkin fjögur verða sýnd saman í sérstakri Sprettfisks dagskrá á RÚV.
Eftirtalin verk fengu verðlaun:

Felt Cute eftir Önnu Karín Lárusdóttur, fyrrum nemanda Kvikmyndaskóla Íslands. Hún hlaut einnar milljón krónu tækjaúttekt hjá Kukl, 700 þúsund krónur frá RÚV og 200 þúsund króna þjónustuúttekt hjá Trickshot.
Dómnefnd skipuðu Björn Thors, Tinna Hrafnsdóttir og Ragnheiður Erlingsdóttir.
Umsögn dómnefndar: The director of the winning short film takes the audience on an effective journey into the mind of a youth trying to figure out his place in the world. The standout performance of the young actor particularly impressed the jury as well as the strong directorial voice of this tender and touching short film.
Dómnefnd veitti einnig myndinni My Promised Land sérstaka viðurkenningu.
Umsögn dómnefndar: A special mention goes to a film with a distinctive visual approach. The director is unafraid to blend an exaggerated tone with a traditional period narrative. Exploring such difficult themes as xenophobia and internalized misogyny in a dystopian, almost expressionistic style, transforms this simple story into a bold short film.

Keep F****** Going eftir Marie Lydie Bierne, nemanda í Kvikmyndaskóla Íslands. Hún hlaut 500 þúsund króna tækjaúttekt hjá Kukl, 700 þúsund krónur frá RÚV og 200 þúsund króna þjónustuúttekt hjá Trickshot.
Dómnefnd skipuðu Ingibjörg Halldórsdóttir, Álfrún Helga Örnólfsdóttir og Víðir Sigurðsson.
Umsögn dómnefndar: The winning film gently welcomes the audience into an intimate space, where a group of people who don’t feel accepted within the norms of society share their darkest moments. They have created a space where “weirdness” is celebrated, not just accepted. The subjects are honest and the director obviously has their trust. The film is personal, moving and well crafted.

Story of A Blue Girl eftir Öldu Ægisdóttur. Hún hlaut 250 þúsund króna tækjaúttekt hjá Kukl, 300 þúsund krónur frá RÚV og 200 þúsund króna þjónustuúttekt hjá Trickshot.
Dómnefnd skipuðu Hilke Rönnfelt, Sunneva Weisshappel og Vigdís Jakobsdóttir.
Umsögn dómnefndar: A mesmerizing journey that invites the viewer into a universe that the filmmaker created with originality, skill and a singular personal vision. As a viewer you are eager to see this world expand.
Ásgeir – Snowblind eftir Erlend Sveinsson. Hann hlaut 250 þúsund króna tækjaúttekt hjá Kukl, 300 þúsund krónur frá RÚV og 200 þúsund króna þjónustuúttekt hjá Trickshot.
Dómnefnd skipuðu Eilífur Örn Þrastarson, Hrefna Hagalín og Dóra Jóhannsdóttir.
Umsögn dómnefndar: Snowblind is an artistic and thought-provoking music video which truly stood out. The video’s dystopian atmosphere was beautifully juxtaposed with the stunning natural landscapes of Iceland, creating a hauntingly beautiful and eerie ambiance. The story was powerfully conveyed through striking visuals and emotionally charged performances. The use of lighting, color, and sound design helped to enhance the overall mood and tone of the video. Overall, we found this music video to be captivating and compelling blending storytelling skillfully with visual aesthetics.