
VOLAÐA LAND vinnur aðalverðlaunin í Chicago, MY YEAR OF DICKS einnig verðlaunuð

Volaða land Hlyns Pálmasonar hlaut Golden Hugo, aðalverðlaun Chicago hátíðarinnar, í gær. Myndin fékk einnig verðlaun fyrir bestu myndatöku Mariu von Hausswolff. Þá hlaut teiknimyndin My Year of Dicks eftir Söru Gunnarsdóttur Silver Hugo í flokki teiknimynda.

Í umsögn dómnefndar segir um Volaða land:

Through the epic story of a small cast of characters, the film explores complex themes including colonialism, religion, civilization, the survival of the fittest and nature versus nurture. Working against the extraordinary backdrop provided by the breathtaking but unforgiving Icelandic landscapes, Pálmason, his brave cast of Danish and Icelandic actors and the entire crew went on an almost unprecedented journey to paint an extraordinary picture of the complexity of the human soul, which might fear God and want to do the right thing but which still has to battle every day to keep its baser instincts in check.

Um myndatöku Mariu von Hausswolff hafði dómnefnd þetta að segja:

The way Maria von Hausswolff captures the austerity of Iceland’s unforgiving landscape is stunning. It goes further than artistry: the camera confronts the dangerous terrain in ways that makes the audience feel every bit a part of the journey. Every frame simultaneously captures the possibilities of life at its most mundane and its most treacherous.

Hér er síðan umsögn dómnefndar um My Year of Dicks:

My Year of Dicks stands out not only due to its charming coming-of-age story, but its nuanced take of animation as a medium. It was refreshing to see Gunnarsdottir tell the story of the awkwardness of teen girl sexuality through the animation and rotoscoping lens — challenging the mechanics of storytelling by mix-mashing various genres together.



Klapptré er sjálfstæður miðill sem birtir fréttir, viðhorf, gagnrýni og tölulegar upplýsingar um íslenska kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsbransann. Ritstjóri er Ásgrímur Sverrisson.