Berdreymi Guðmundar Arnars Guðmundssonar hlaut verðlaun á þremur hátíðum um síðustu helgi.
Leikhópur myndarinnar hlaut aðalverðlaunin, Gullna eplið á Kranj Actors Film Festival í Slóveníu. Í umsögn dómnefndar segir: “The incredibly lively presence of young actors in front of the camera sucks us into the story from the first frame and doesn’t let us breathe until the very end of the film. The cast manages to play roles in a way that every big movie star can only dream of. The talent of such an acting team deserves the opportunity to study acting and build an established career from this great promise.“
Aðalleikararnir fengu einnig verðlaun á FICG, Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara í Mexíkó. Guðmundur Arnar tók við verðlaunum fyrir hönd leikaranna.
Þá hlaut Berdreymi verðlaun ítalska kvikmyndagagnrýnenda á Biografilm Festival í flokknum Europe Beyond Borders Competition. Segir í umsögn: “For its ability to extol the roughness and beauty of the youngsters’ condition through wrong-footed narrative choices, which only appear contradictory, and for the seductive strength of the director’s gaze.”