
Hollywood Reporter um “Lof mér að falla”: Grípandi og hjartnæm

Stephen Dalton hjá The Hollywwod Reporter skrifar um Lof mér að falla Baldvins Z frá Toronto hátíðinni sem er nýlokið. Hann segir myndina grípandi og hjartnæma frásögn um kunnuglegt efni, sem geri bæði angist og alsælu vímuefnamisnotkunar góð skil, þökk sé góðum leikarahópi, flottri myndatöku og handriti.

Dalton segir meðal annars:

Harrowing dramas about beautiful young people on a downward spiral into drug addiction have been a screen staple for so long now that any new take on the theme risks plunging headlong into stale cliche. But Let Me Fall, by Icelandic writer-director Baldvin Zophoniasson (who goes by the snappy Baldvin Z), puts a gripping and moving spin on familiar material thanks to its fine ensemble cast, stylish sexy-grungy visuals and a time-jumping screenplay that acknowledges both the agony and ecstasy of substance abuse.

Like Zophoniasson’s last film, Life in a Fishbowl (2014), which Iceland submitted as its official Oscar contender, Let Me Fall is already a domestic box-office hit. World premiering earlier this month at the Toronto International Film Festival, the pic has sufficient class and gravitas to dodge the more predictable pitfalls of addiction drama. Framing the plot in female-driven coming-of-age terms, with a tortured same-sex romance at its heart, also gives this story a fresher angle than most drug movies. These elements should boost the film’s chances with festival bookers and potential overseas buyers.

Sjá nánar hér: ‘Let Me Fall’: Film Review | TIFF 2018

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