Undir trénu eftir Hafstein Gunnar Sigurðsson hlaut sérstaka viðurkenningu dómnefndar Denver Film Festival sem lauk um síðustu helgi. Þetta eru fjórðu alþjóðlegu verðlaun myndarinnar.
Í umsögn dómnefndar segir:
“The special jury award goes to Under the Tree (Undir trénu), directed by Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurðsson. We were impressed by the portrayal of the dark sides of human behavior through powerful tragic farce. The combination of erratic conducts and suburbia absurdity melted into a delightfully complex cinematic language. We don’t really believe in competition between films, in our choices we were looking for inventiveness in storytelling. We believe that the awarded films merit the attention of broader audiences and the support of the Denver Film Festival.”