Undir trénu Hafsteins Gunnars Sigurðssonar var valin besta leikna myndin á Hamptons International Film Festival sem lauk í gær. Þetta eru þriðju alþjóðlegu verðlaun myndarinnar.
Eric Kohn, aðal gagnrýnandi og ritstjóri IndieWire var formaður dómnefndar og segir um valið:
We really appreciated the rage of international stories in this year’s lineup, which wrestled with our troubled times from many angles. However, nothing stood out to us more than this wicked satire of suburban discontent, which takes a familiar set of domestic circumstances and injects them with a wickedly anarchic tone. For its blend of tragic circumstances and cartoonish exuberance, we award our top prize to UNDER THE TREE.