
Jodie Foster á Stockfish: Erum ekki komin alla leið

Jodie Foster, leikkona, leikstjóri og framleiðandi, tók þátt í pallborðsumræðum á nýliðinni Stockfish hátíð þar sem umræðuefnið var konur og kvikmyndagerð. Hún sagðist hafa upplifað breytingar á kvenhlutverkum frá því sem áður var en við værum ekki enn komin alla leið.

Wendy Mitchell skrifar um pallborðið í ScreenDaily:

Iceland’s ninth Stockfish Film Festival got a high-profile boost with Jodie Foster participating in the Reykjavik festival’s panel discussion about women’s progress in the film industry.

Foster, the US actress, producer and director, is in Iceland shooting the fourth season of True Detective, and she joined producer Marianne Slot and actress Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir in the discussion, led by the new artistic director of Stockfish, Lamb producer Hrönn Kristinsdóttir. Kristinsdóttir started the panel started by stating, “In year 2000 a study showed that about 13% of films were directed by women. Now 22 years later we are at about 22-25%, that means an increase of 0.5 % per year. This process is far too slow.“

Foster, who has been spotted several times at the arthouse cinema Bio Paradis during her months shooting in Iceland since autumn 2022, said on the panel: “I have seen a shift from when I was younger, especially about male writers when approaching the idea of creating a female character, the motivations and roles offered by the scripts have changed, but we are not all the way there.”

Klapptré er sjálfstæður miðill sem birtir fréttir, viðhorf, gagnrýni og tölulegar upplýsingar um íslenska kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsbransann. Ritstjóri er Ásgrímur Sverrisson.