
Netflix, RÚV og ZDF á bakvið ÓFÆRÐ 3

Netflix, RÚV og ZDF, ein stærsta sjónvarpsstöð Þýskalands, koma að framleiðslu þriðju syrpu þáttaraðarinnar Ófærð, sem nú kallast Entrapped. Tökur standa yfir.

Nordic Film and TV News fjallar um þetta:

Ólafur Darri Ólafsson who reached international stardom with the role of police officer Andri, is back investigating a new case with his colleague Hinrika (Ilmur Kristjánsdóttir).

New to the cast is Danish actor Thomas Bo Larsen (Another Round, The Lawyer, Follow the Money).

The series is directed by creator Baltasar Kormákur and co-directed by Börkur Sigþórsson and newcomer Katrín Björgvinsdóttir. Clive Bradley, Sigurjón Kjartansson and Kormákur are joined in the writers’ room by co-writers Rannveig Jónsdóttir and Davíð Már Stefánsson (Katla).

The story picks up two years after the ending of season 2: Andri and Hinrika get drawn into a war in Iceland’s remote highlands, where two rival groups fight over specific pieces of land, but for very different reasons. The neopagan and peaceful sect ‘The Extended Family’, led by its founder and spiritual leader Oddur (Egill Ólafsson), has raised camp on the land, which they see as sacred. A group of Icelandic bikers, led by an angry young man, Gunnar (Haraldur Stefánsson), also claims the ‘sacred site’. In order to take ownership of the land, he calls for backup and soon a group of Danish bikers arrive by ferry, led by the Danish leader, Hopper (Thomas Bo Larsen). The clash of the two groups leads to the death of Ivar (Auðunn Lúthersson). It turns out that Ivar was not unknown to Andri, so he feels obliged to join Hinrika in the North to investigate the murder case.

Entrapped is produced by Kormákur’s RVK Studios, in co-production with Netflix, Iceland’s pubcaster RÚV and Germany’s ZDF. The crime drama is the second collaboration between RVK Studios and Netflix after Katla.

Klapptré er sjálfstæður miðill sem birtir fréttir, viðhorf, gagnrýni og tölulegar upplýsingar um íslenska kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsbransann. Ritstjóri er Ásgrímur Sverrisson.