Glæpaserían Systrabönd er nú í vinnslu hjá Sagafilm og verður verkefnið kynnt á Gautaborgarhátíðinni sem nú stendur yfir. Silja Hauksdóttir mun leikstýra þáttunum sem verða sex, Jóhann Ævar Grímsson og Björg Magnúsdóttir skrifa handrit. Þættirnir verða sýndir 2021.
Variety skýrir frá og þar segir einnig:
“Sisterhood” begins with the skeletal remains of a young girl, Hanna, who disappeared 20 years ago, being unearthed in a picturesque fjord town in Iceland. Vera, a newly-promoted investigator is assigned to the case and delves deeper into it than anyone expects. Her peers consider Hanna’s case to be open and shut, especially as the girl’s mother was the prime suspect at the time, and has spent most of the intervening decades in state institutions as a result. But, the discovery of the remains and the renewed investigation rattles a small group of women, now in their thirties, who one fateful night killed the young girl in a fit of manic rage, and have had to live with their guilty secret ever since.
“By making its chief subject adult women who committed a heinous crime in the past, “Sisterhood” becomes a subversion of the well-trodden crime genre, “said Grímsson, for whom the core “is not the whodunit, but the notions of guilt, shame” and underlying complex web of emotions. At the same time, the characters are under “the immense pressure that the truth of what they did is closing in on then,” he comments.
Kjartan Thor Thordarson, executive producer and Sagafilm Nordic CEO, said he is delighted to unveil “Sisterhood” in Göteborg and to collaborate again with Síminn and Viaplay who were on board his prodco’s earlier hit “Stella Blómkvist.” For him, the collaboration with Sky Studios and NBC Universal brings “new depth to Nordic drama and its worldwide potential.”
Jason Simms, director of international scripted at Sky Studios, described “Sisterhood” as “a richly layered story of guilt, secrets, justice and grief, told from the unique perspective of its female protagonists.“ “We’re certain this gripping and intriguing drama will resonate with viewers around the world and are excited to showcase it to buyers later this year,” he added.
Síminn’s executive VP of programming, Pálmi Guðmundsson stressed that rarely does he “shake hands” on a scripted drama at the pitch stage, but that was the case with “Sisterhood” as “he has “enormous faith in the story and the characters.”
Sjá nánar hér: Sagafilm, Sky Studios, NBCU, NENT, SÍminn Join Forces on “Sisterhood” (EXCLUSIVE)