
Breskir miðlar velja “Ófærð” bestu glæpaseríu ársins

Ilmur Kristjánsdóttir í þáttaröðinni Ófærð (Mynd: RVK Studios).

Tveir breskir miðlar hafa valið Ófærð bestu glæpaseríu ársins. Þá er þáttaröðin einnig á lista The Guardian yfir bestu þáttaraðir ársins.

Vefurinn CrimeFictionLover segir seríuna bestu glæpaseríuna á árinu. Meðal annarra þáttaraða á listanum eru The Night Manager, The Night of, Mr. Robot og The Fall sem allar hafa hlotið mikið lof.

CrimeFictionLover segir um Ófærð:

A cruel climate is usually cited as a hallmark of Scandinavian crime fiction, but never has it been so prominent as in Trapped, the 10-part Icelandic crime drama that had us gripped when it aired in the UK in February, March and April. A huge Danish ferry docks in a town not so different to Siglufjordur in northern Iceland, just as a huge blizzard hits. A torso is pulled from the water throwing suspicion onto the ferry’s crew and passengers, and the story’s red herrings lead us directly into bloody waters. Turns out there was a passenger aboard smuggling two teenage African girls into Iceland as sex slaves, and another man on the ferry was previously involved in an arson attack in the town. Head of police Andri (Olafur Darri Olafsson) and his deputies Hinrika (Ilmur Kristjánsdóttir) and Ásgeir (Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson) have one or more killers to contend with. Nobody can come and help them, and nobody can leave. Several intriguing sub-plots emerge – one involving the teenage girl killed in the arson attack all those years ago; another relating to the African girls, who escape and try to hide from the people traffickers; and a third about corrupt local officials. It’s beautifully filmed, and an involving and powerful story unfolds as the town is gripped by more than a cruel climate. Could it happen again? Apparently, it could… a second season is in the pipes.

Sjá lista CrimeFictionLover hér.

Vefurinn The Killing Times velur Ófærð einnig bestu glæpaseríu ársins. Neðar á lista eru þáttaraðir á borð við Happy Valley og The Night of.

The Killing Times segir um Ófærð:

Back in February, we were transported to the new Nordic hotspot for crime drama – Iceland – for a gripping, 10-part story that pretty much ticked every single box when it came to the genre. Created by Baltasar Kormákur, and written by Sigurjón Kjartansson and British writer Clive Bradley, Trapped was an ingenious series that, initially, presented us with a single-location murder mystery – the small coastal town of Seyðisfjörður in the extreme north of the island had been cut off from civilisation thanks to a Biblical snowstorm. Just before the storm hit, a ferry from Denmark docked in the port, bringing with it the discovery of a mutilated corpse. Unable to call for help, it was down to unprepared local police chief Andri Olafsson (Ólafur Darri Ólafsson) and his partner, Hinrika Kristjánsdóttir (Ilmur Kristjánsdóttir), to not only contain a restless, twitchy local populace (whose long-held secrets and family beefs tumbled out), but also find the killer before the storm and the ferry left, carrying with it some big suspects. That was the clever set-up, but what made this so enjoyable and so affecting was the partnership between Andri and Hinrika. Like The Bridge before it and like any great TV police partnership, there’s was one of contrasting personalities – Andri was hulking, taciturn and unable to express his emotions freely, while Hinrika was no-nonsense and said what she saw. Each of them had flaws and less than perfect personal lives, which made them so believable and characters that you fell in love with. With lashings of everything you love in Nordic Noir (including that socio-political ‘second story’ bubbling away in the background) and characters who dealt with loss and grief in believable and heartbreaking ways, Trapped was the most consistent, addictive, gripping, well-rounded and satisfying crime drama in 2016, in a year packed with exceptional crime dramas. It now dines on the top table of Nordic and Scandinavian crime dramas, alongside The Killing and The Bridge.

Sjá lista The Killing Times hér.

Þá hefur The Guardian valið Ófærð á heildarlista sinn yfir bestu seríur ársins. Þáttaröðin er þar í 13. sæti, en efst meðal þeirra þátta sem eru á öðru tungumáli en ensku.

The Guardian segir:

The sleeper hit of spring. Fans fell in love with police chief Andri – the hottest, beardiest man in Iceland – and his sidekick Hinrika as they tried to solve the murders taking over their tiny town after a blizzard left it in lockdown.

Sjá heildarlista The Guardian hér.



Klapptré er sjálfstæður miðill sem birtir fréttir, viðhorf, gagnrýni og tölulegar upplýsingar um íslenska kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsbransann. Ritstjóri er Ásgrímur Sverrisson.