
IndieWire fjallar um “Hross í oss”, Friðrik Þór segist ekki þola samtöl í kvikmyndum

hross-í-oss---myndbrellurIndieWire fjallar um Hross í oss, en myndin er nú sýnd á New Directors/New Films hátíðinni sem The Film Society of Lincoln Center og Museum of Modern Art standa árlega fyrir í New York.

Friðrik Þór Friðriksson: Þolir ekki samtöl í kvikmyndum og segist aldrei lesa handrit yfir 70 síðum.
Friðrik Þór Friðriksson: Þolir ekki samtöl í kvikmyndum og segist aldrei lesa handrit yfir 70 síðum.

IndieWire fjallar bæði um myndina sjálfa og lýsir einni sýningunni en þar sátu leikstjórinn Benedikt Erlingsson og framleiðandinn Friðrik Þór Friðriksson fyrir svörum ásamt Roman Estrada sem leikur í myndinni.

IndieWire segir m.a. svo frá:

Cast with Erlingsson’s colleagues from the Icelandic theater world, “Of Horses and Men’ was produced by the country’s most famous filmmaker, Fridrik Thor Fridriksson, who said he pitched it to funders as a film that could travel without subtitles. “At one screening in Norway, they asked if I wanted the subtitler switched on and I said, no, don’t bother,”’ Fridriksson said during a post-screening reception Monday night. The script, he had told the audience during the Walter Reade Q&A, was only 19 pages. “I never look at a manuscript that’s over 70 pages,” he added. “I hate dialogue.”

Um myndina segir IndieWire meðal annars:

It’s probably not a movie for kids, or the squeamish. Or squeamish kids. Yes, there’s some graphic equine sex — and no, this is not a spoiler: The poster for the film depicts a mare with both human and stallion astride, and what’s just taken place is clear enough. But while there’s a good deal of comedy, there’s tragedy, too. And pathos. And more comedy.

Sjá nánar hér: New Directors/New Films: Comedy, Tragedy and Squeamishness in Iceland’s Delightful ‘Of Horses and Men’ | Thompson on Hollywood.

Klapptré er sjálfstæður miðill sem birtir fréttir, viðhorf, gagnrýni og tölulegar upplýsingar um íslenska kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsbransann. Ritstjóri er Ásgrímur Sverrisson.