
Eldgos gerir Ísland óbyggilegt í fyrstu þáttaröð Act 4

Fyrsta verkefni hins nýstofnaða framleiðslufyrirtækis Act 4 verður alþjóðleg þáttaröð um afleiðingar eldgoss sem gerir Ísland óbyggilegt. Verkefnið er unnið í samvinnu við bandaríska og króatíska aðila.

Þetta kemur fram í Variety:

The aftermath of a deadly volcanic eruption will set the stage for a new eco-thriller between Los Angeles-based Upgrade Productions, Iceland’s Act 4 and Croatia’s Drugi Plan.

The eight-part series is produced by Act 4, the newly announced production company led by prominent Icelandic creatives, including “True Detective” actor Ólafur Darri Ólafsson and “Black Sands” producer Hörður Rúnarsson, and Croatia’s Drugi Plan, led by Nebojsa Taraba and Miodrag Sila (HBO’s “Success,” Netflix’s “The Paper”).

Executive produced by Upgrade Productions, “Volcano” is based on an original idea by Taraba and Sila and written by Rúnarsson and Mateja Božičević (Prime Video’s “Carnival Row”). The mixed-language series (English, Icelandic, Croatian) will be shot in Iceland and Croatia, with production scheduled to start early next year.

After a crushing volcanic eruption devastates Iceland, a UN directive relocates the surviving residents to Croatia. “Volcano” follows the tensions that arise as these vastly different societies are forced to learn how to live together, survive cultural clashes and ultimately help each other.

“We’re thrilled to collaborate with Act 4 and Drugi Plan on ‘Volcano’ as we see this series not simply as a story about disaster, but an exploration of how people behave and treat each other under extraordinary circumstances. Hörður Rúnarsson and Mateja Božičević have crafted an incredibly compelling project that we’re excited to develop further together,” said Upgrade Productions’ head of series Caroline Kusser.

Klapptré er sjálfstæður miðill sem birtir fréttir, viðhorf, gagnrýni og tölulegar upplýsingar um íslenska kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsbransann. Ritstjóri er Ásgrímur Sverrisson.