Hvítur, hvítur dagur eftir Hlyn Pálmason vann um síðastliðna helgi aðalverðlaun D’A kvikmyndahátíðarinnar í Barcelona, en þetta eru fimmtándu alþjóðlegu verðlaun myndarinnar. Hátíðin fór fram á netinu vegna faraldursins.
Um myndina segir á vef hátíðarinnar:
The Icelandic film Un blanco, blanco día by director Hlynur Pálmason has won the Talents prize for the best movie in the section of the same name, awarded to directors with fewer than three features in their filmography. The 10,000 euros in prize money goes to a thriller with an existential air that has been one of the biggest sensations of the recent Icelandic movie scene. The jury admired its “accurate, emotional portrayal of rage in the midst of the ice. A film that is full of ideas, and a piece of powerful yet intimate cinema.”