
Screen um “Hvítan, hvítan dag”: Sjónrænt grípandi og áhrifamikil

Lisa Nesselson skrifar um Hvítan, hvítan dag Hlyns Pálmasonar í Screen, en myndin var frumsýnd á Cannes hátíðinni í gær. Hún segir hana meðal annars sjónrænt grípandi og áhrifamikla.

Nesselson skrifar meðal annars:

A taciturn former policeman in a small Icelandic enclave grows more complex before our eyes in the visually arresting and emotionally rewarding A White, White Day.  Crusty widower Ingimundur (Ingvar E. Sigurðsson, excellent) channels his grief into renovating a house whose isolated location shows off nature posing in a cycling-through-the-seasons medley of changing climate conditions in ever-exquisite light. Ingimundur loved his late wife unconditionally and has little patience for the grief counselor he is obliged to see once a week. But while going through a box of his wife’s things, his cop instincts kick in and the already cranky man starts behaving erratically – although there’s definitely a startling method to his madness.

Writer-director Hlynur Palmason (Locarno prize-winner Winter Brothers) delivers a leisurely but never boring tale of hidden feelings percolating in a splendidly varied landscape. From sharp straight cuts to uncomfortably long awkward moments, a perfectly controlled sense of place permeates every frame. Distributors of quality art house fare should investigate.

Sjá nánar hér: ‘A White, White Day’: Cannes Review | Reviews | Screen

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