
“Hross í oss” þurrkar út mörkin milli gríns og harms segir The New York Times

Kjartan Ragnarsson í Hross í oss.
Kjartan Ragnarsson í Hross í oss.

Hross í oss tekur þátt í hinni árlegu hátíð Film Society of Lincoln Center og MoMA, New Directors/New Films, sem hefst í dag og stendur til 30. mars.

A. O. Scott hjá The New York Times skrifar um myndirnar þetta árið og hefur eftirfarandi að segja um Hross Benedikts Erlingssonar:

In a rustic valley in Iceland, people and horses have lived together for centuries, and Benedikt Erlingsson’s witty, sometimes grisly film explores the curious, complicated bonds that have developed between the two species. The horses, unsurprisingly, have the worse end of the bargain, and the cruelty to which some of them are subjected can be shocking to witness. (A note at the end assures us that it’s all make-believe.) They are mutilated, forced to swim in icy waters and in some cases killed, usually in the service of one human folly or another. The people suffer, too, and we are encouraged to laugh when they do. Mr. Erlingsson has a dry, precise style that erases the distinction between comedy and tragedy and emphasizes the dignity of his equine characters and the ridiculousness of their supposed masters.

Sjá nánar hér: New Directors/New Films Festival Opens With Bold Strokes –

Klapptré er sjálfstæður miðill sem birtir fréttir, viðhorf, gagnrýni og tölulegar upplýsingar um íslenska kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsbransann. Ritstjóri er Ásgrímur Sverrisson.