John DeFore hjá The Hollywood Reporter skrifar umsögn um Days of Gray eftir Ani Simon-Kennedy, sem sýnd var á nýliðinni RIFF-hátíð. Myndin var tekin upp hér á landi sumarið 2012 með íslenskum leikurum. Hjaltalín sér um tónlistina og Sagafilm kom að framleiðslu hennar.
DeFore segir m.a.:
“Envisioning a post-civilization existence in the primordial landscapes of Iceland, Ani Simon-Kennedy‘s Days of Gray makes the most not just of an untouched setting but of Hjaltalin, a local band yet to be discovered by American fans who’ve made successes of Icelandic groups like Sigur Ros and Mum. The entirely dialogue-free project, first imagined as a longform music video for the band, grew into a stand-alone narrative during preproduction; while its fable-like simplicity makes it a specialty item in commercial terms, it represents an assured debut that should attract attention on the fest circuit and could connect with musical tastemakers.”
Sjá nánar hér: Days of Gray: Reykjavik Review – Hollywood Reporter.
Days of Gray – Official Trailer from Bicephaly Pictures on Vimeo.