
Þáttaröðinni DOMINO DAY vel tekið í Bretlandi

Sýningar eru hafnar á þáttaröðinni Domino Day á BBC. Eva Sigurðardóttir er annar leikstjóra þáttanna, líkt og Klapptré greindi frá hér. Verkið fær góða dóma hjá Lucy Mangan, gagnrýnanda The Guardian.

Mangan skrifar meðal annars:

It dances along lots of tightropes without falling off. It is incredibly stylish without being self-conscious and it has energy to burn without becoming frenetic. There is always plenty going on and the twists and revelations are nicely paced, if not particularly groundbreaking (so far – I have watched half of the series).

More ineffably, it feels like the woman-led production that it is. Created and written by Laura Sequeira, directed by Eva Sigurdardottir and Nadira Amrani and with a cast dominated by female roles, the drama conjures a sense of sisterhood among the coven and perfectly evokes Domino’s own fear of her appetites, as well as the disbelief of others at how deep they run. It is one of a growing number of programmes that treats male violence as a background hum that escalates, rather than a sudden, inexplicable eruption from nowhere.

I can’t quite say it is a pleasure to watch, but it is good to see. It’s a real sign that things are changing – in television, at least; I don’t mean real life – and that what we really mean by telling women’s stories is starting to happen. Magic.

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Klapptré er sjálfstæður miðill sem birtir fréttir, viðhorf, gagnrýni og tölulegar upplýsingar um íslenska kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsbransann. Ritstjóri er Ásgrímur Sverrisson.