
“Kona fer í stríð” meðal bestu mynda ársins (hingað til) að mati Variety og Rotten Tomatoes

Það er ekki á hverjum degi sem íslensk kvikmynd er talin meðal bestu kvikmynda í heiminum þá stundina, en bæði Variety og Rotten Tomatoes setja Kona fer í stríð eftir Benedikt Erlingsson á lista sína yfir bestu myndir ársins hingað til.

Peter Debruge hjá Variety hefur þetta að segja um myndina:

Imagine an eco-terrorism movie with the playful spirit of “Amelie,” in which a lone crusader (an irresistible Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir) stands up to the faceless industrial forces pillaging Iceland for its natural resources. That delightful mix — in which a bow and arrow are enough to bring down an entire power grid, while a three-piece band accompanies her exploits from the corner of the screen — was enough to inspire Jodie Foster to acquire the rights for a remake. Far greener than you might imagine, Iceland remains one of the most unspoiled and otherworldly outposts on earth (which explains why “Game of Thrones” and the “Thor” movies used its locations to represent faraway planets), and here, “Of Horses and Men” director Benedikt Erlingsson captures the country’s primeval charms as few movies have, making it easy to root for the vigilante environmentalist who goes to hilarious lengths to awaken the public to the damage of “progress.” — PD

Og á lista Rotten Tomatoes fær myndin þessa umsögn (með 97% skor):

Woman at War is another movie that seems to be perfectly suited for the times we are in. The Icelandic-Ukrainian film centers on a middle-aged woman who lives a secret life as a radical environmental activist. Her latest mission to sabotage an aluminum factory is complicated when she is approved to adopt a child.

Though dealing with very serious and relevant subject matter, the film has been celebrated for its unexpected light approach to the material. The humorous approach makes it an enjoyable watch without losing its importance.

Sjá nánar hér: The 10 Best Movies Of 2019 (So Far), According To Rotten Tomatoes og hér: The 15 Best Films of 2019 (So Far)

Klapptré er sjálfstæður miðill sem birtir fréttir, viðhorf, gagnrýni og tölulegar upplýsingar um íslenska kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsbransann. Ritstjóri er Ásgrímur Sverrisson.