IndieWire birtir óskalista yfir 31 mynd sem þau vilja sjá á Sundance 2015 (vegna 31 árs afmælis hátíðarinnar). Meðal myndanna er Z for Zachariah sem Zik Zak kvikmyndir framleiða. Myndin er í leikstjórn Craig Zobel og með aðalhutverkin fara Margot Robbie, Chris Pine og Chiwetel Ejiofor.
IndieWire segir:
Destined to be at the very bottom of alphabetically listed film festival guides in 2015 is Craig Zobel’s highly anticipated follow-up to 2012’s „Compliance.“ The film marks a major step up in production value for Zobel, with and A-list cast (Margot Robbie, Chris Pine, Chiwetel Ejiofor) and a sci-fi plot worthy of a summer tentpole. The film is set in the wake of a disaster that wipes out most of civilization, with two men and a young woman finding themselves in a love triangle as the last known survivors. It almost sounds a bit too big for Sundance, but we’ll be the first in line if it makes the cut.
Sjá nánar hér: Sundance 2015 Wishlist: 31 Movies We Hope to See in Park | Indiewire.