
“Land Ho!” forðast klisjur segir IndieWire

Land Ho!, bandaríska indímyndin sem filmuð var hér á landi s.l. haust, fær fína dóma í IndieWire en myndin er nú sýnd á Sundance hátíðinni. IndieWire segir m.a.:

“Indie road trip comedies are perhaps the worst cliché of low budget American filmmaking, but “Land Ho!,” the story of two aging men on a meandering vacation in Iceland, provides a notable exception. This unassuming, elegantly shot collaboration by directors Aaron Katz (“Cold Weather,” “Quiet City”) and Martha Stephens (“Pilgrim Song,” “Passenger Pigeons”) actively avoids any melodramatic confrontations or cheesy subplots. A gentle meditation on growing old and bored, “Land Ho!” never rises to the level of narrative engagement found in the filmmakers’ previous efforts, but it doesn’t take much to make it sufficiently insightful, carried along by a pair of actors so inherently likable from the outset that “Land Ho!” hardly requires a lot of story to set their adventure in motion.”

Sjá nánar hér: Sundance Review: How the Road Trip Dramedy ‘Land Ho,’ From Aaron Katz and Martha Stephens, Transcends Clichés | Filmmakers, Film Industry, Film Festivals, Awards & Movie Reviews | Indiewire.

Klapptré er sjálfstæður miðill sem birtir fréttir, viðhorf, gagnrýni og tölulegar upplýsingar um íslenska kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsbransann. Ritstjóri er Ásgrímur Sverrisson.