
The New York Times um “Andið eðlilega”: Hið mannlega við mæri

Candice Frederick skrifar afar jákvæða umsögn um Andið eðlilega Ísoldar Uggadóttur í New York Times í tilefni þess að myndin er nú sýnd á Netflix.

Frederick segir meðal annars:

At work, where Lara has the power to reject or deny entry for migrants, she declines passage to Adja (Babetida Sadjo), a woman from Guinea who is traveling with her daughter and sister. The decision leads Lara to confront her privilege when she later finds she must accept help from someone she least expects: Adja, now living in a refugee center, who sneaks in Lara and Eldar so that they can have a warm bed.

“And Breathe Normally” doesn’t rely on the cinematic clichés that so often arise when two very different people develop an unlikely friendship. Rather, it engages the audience with a deeply resonant narrative that highlights the ways our sense of safe keeping can suddenly be ripped from our grasp. And it reminds us of the power we possess, even when we think we’re helpless.

Sjá nánar hér: ‘And Breathe Normally’ Review: A Drama That Humanizes the Border – The New York Times

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