
“Fúsi” valin besta myndin á Tribeca hátíðinni, hlaut einnig verðlaun fyrir besta leikara og handrit


Fúsi eftir Dag Kára hlaut í gær þrenn verðlaun á yfirstandandi Tribeca hátíð í New York, sem besta myndin, besti leikarinn (Gunnar Jónsson) og besta handrit (Dagur Kári).

Tribeca hátíðin er ein sú virtasta í Bandaríkjunum, en hún var sett á laggirnar árið 2002, m.a. af Robert de Niro og framleiðandanum Jane Rosenthal.

Í umsögn dómnefndar um bestu myndina segir:

“With its mixture of humor and pathos, this film captured our hearts. Beyond the deceptively small frame of a mismatched love story, the film deals with the issues of bigotry, loneliness, bullying, mental illness, and ultimately the triumph of the human spirit and the meaning of love.”

Í umsögn dómnefndar um besta leikarann segir:

“The film was aided in no small measure by a performer whose mixture of comedy and sadness evokes Chaplin and Keaton, with a complete lack of tricks, pretense, or condescension. This performer relies instead on subtlety, timing, and naked honesty, creating an indelible portrait of a man fighting to be seen in a world that judges him by his appearance.

Í umsögn dómnefndar um besta handritið segir:

“The writer of this film is also the director, and is credited as one of the editors, and also performed the music, and runs the director’s program at the National Film School of Denmark, leading us to wonder when he has time to go to the bathroom. His intricately designed, beautifully observed, and bravely conceived screenplay consistently defies expectations, avoids sentimentality, and never strikes a false note.”

Fyrir nokkrum dögum hlaut Fúsi áhorfendaverðlaunin á CPH:PIX í Danmörku eins og lesa má hér.

Sjá nánar hér: Tribeca Film Festival: ‘Virgin Mountain’ and ‘Democrats’ Win Top Prizes –

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