End of Sentence, fyrsta bíómynd Elfars Aðalsteins, var frumsýnd á Edinborgarhátíðinni sem lauk um helgina. Screen segir hana hafa verið meðal umtöluðustu titlana á hátíðinni og gagnrýnandi miðilsins gefur henni góða dóma.
Screen birtir frétt í gær um fimm umtöluðustu myndir hátíðarinnar og er End of Sentence þeirra á meðal:
John Hawkes and Logan Lerman star in this father-and-son road trip which runs from Alabama to Ireland and had the audience in tears along the way. It may follow a well-worn route, but this first feature by Elfar Adalsteins surely has further gas in the tank.
Gagnrýnandi Screen, Wendy Ide, segir meðal annars:
The relationship between Frank Fogle (John Hawkes) and his son Sean (Logan Lerman) is an aggravated open wound which shows no sign of healing. As far as Sean is concerned, his meekly smiling father is the last thing he wants to see when he walks out of prison. Frank is a reminder of the weakness that Sean despises and rages against. But the dying wish of his mother Anne is that her husband and son take her ashes from their home in Alabama to be scattered at a lake in the north of Ireland, the country of her birth. This sensitively handled road trip follows a well-worn route: father and son develop a new found mutual respect, while also discovering a hidden side to the wife and mother who forced them together. But the fact that we can perhaps predict the end of this journey doesn’t lessen its emotional impact.
This is a confident first feature from Elfar Adalsteins, the Icelandic producer of Fredrik Thor Fredriksson’s Mama Gogo now turned writer/director. Following its world premiere in Edinburgh, End of Sentence should connect with further festival audiences. A package which combines the arthouse credibility provided by the always impressive Hawkes, a forceful turn from Lerman, plus the Irish backdrop could prove attractive to distributors looking for solid middlebrow fare.
This sensitively handled road trip follows a well-worn route: father and son develop a new found mutual respect, while also discovering a hidden side to the wife and mother who forced them together. But the fact that we can perhaps predict the end of this journey doesn’t lessen its emotional impact. Following its world premiere in Edinburgh, End of Sentence could connect with further festival audiences. A package which combines the arthouse credibility provided by the always impressive Hawkes, a forceful turn from Lerman, plus the Irish backdrop could prove attractive to distributors – or streaming networks – looking for solid middlebrow fare.
Sjá nánar hér: Five buzzy titles from the Edinburgh Film Festival | News | Screen og hér: ‘End Of Sentence’: Edinburgh Review