Cinema Scandinavia skrifar um Hjartastein Guðmundar Arnars Guðmundssonar og segir hana afar vel heppnaða mynd.
Í umsögn segir meðal annars:
Natural harshness and natural beauty are the yin and yang of this story. A story of a strong, beautiful bond between two boys is framed with aggression and violence from the very first moments.
Og ennfremur:
Heartstone, like a construction set, consists of many separate details: relationship between parents and children, homosexuality, life in a rural village and life in a closed society, first love, awakening sexuality, puberty, closed society, friendship, suicide… The film is about discovering your true self, a painful and harsh process that no one can escape. We are exposed to this all alone at an early age, with no support, unable to express what we are feeling and what we are going through. This experience never leaves without a trace; it defines our lives.
Sjá nánar hér: Heartstone / Hjartasteinn – Cinema Scandinavia