Alissa Simon hjá Variety þykir til um Vonarstræti Baldvins Z og telur myndina líklegan Óskarskandidat Íslands. Hún skrifar m.a. frá Toronto:
The lives of three characters intertwine in “Life in a Fishbowl,” a strongly acted, sensitively directed drama that reps a big step forward for Icelandic director Baldvin Zophoniasson after his 2010 teen meller, “Jitters.” This naturalistic portrait of fraught lifestyles in Reykjavik on the eve of the country’s 2008 economic meltdown touched a nerve on home turf, outdrawing Hollywood blockbusters to become one of the island’s biggest-ever domestic hits. Niche arthouse sales and further fest dates are in the offing for this probable foreign-language Oscar entry.
Sjá umsögn í heild sinni hér: ‘Life in a Fishbowl’ Review: Baldvin Zophoniasson’s Well-Acted Drama | Variety.