Toronto hátiðinni er nú lokið, en enn berast fínir dómar um Vonarstræti. Alex Billington hjá bandaríska kvikmyndavefnum First Showing lýkur miklu lofsorði á myndina og segir m.a.:
„What is light without dark?“ Every once in a while I come across something so unique, so refreshing, so exciting to watch that as soon as the lights come up I immediately want to start raving and telling others about it. This is one of those films, and I hope I can bring some additional attention to it. Thanks to a tip on Twitter from filmmaker @DarrenAronofsky, I caught an Icelandic film called Life in a Fishbowl, from director Baldvin Zophoníasson, an ensemble feature premiering at the Toronto Film Festival. Amidst all the darkness, death, stress, and horribleness in this world, here is a story that finally has some optimism to it.
Umsögn Billington í heild sinni má sjá hér: TIFF 2014 Recap: After 19 Films in Toronto – Which Ones Stand Out? | FirstShowing.net.