Cineuropa kallar Sundáhrifin Sólveigar Anspach dásamlega kómedíu sem sé ofboðslega rómantísk, í umsögn frá Cannes.
Gagnrýnandi vefsins, Bénédicte Prot, minnist Sólveigar og segir að kynning aðstandenda á myndinni á sviðinu í Cannes hafi verið afar hjartnæm. Prot segir m.a.:
The production for The Together Project [+] was negotiated around a broccoli gratin, a film that would alas be her last. It was therefore a very emotional audience that came to see this delightful film, 17 years on from the screening of the director’s debut feature, Haut les cœurs, in the same theatre, in which Anspach picks up the character from Queen of Montreuil [+], Agathe (Florence Loiret-Caille), a small slender woman who is not easily taken in and once again goes off in search of answers in a postcard-perfect Iceland filmed with as much tenderness as the swimming pool in Montreuil where she works as a swimming instructor, with a healthy dose of humour thrown in.
Og ennfremur:
And so Solveig Anspach leaves us with a lovable film that tells a story of absolute love between characters that are strong-willed yet vulnerable, who accept one another and all their most unusual quirks (which only make them more authentic) and are reunited by water, seen not as a boundary but as a bridge between people and cultures, a place where everyone is united, like Agathe and Samir when they take a dip in the baby pool. It really is true that in the water, we all hear the same sounds. Here, it is a love song.
Sjá nánar hér: The Together Project : Love at first sight in Montreuil