Cinema Scandinavia um „Fyrir framan annað fólk“: Létt og skemmtileg

fyrir framan annað fólk - fjórir leadsVefurinn Cinema Scandinavia skrifar um Fyrir framan annað fólk Óskars Jónassonar sem sýnd var á nýliðinni Gautaborgarhátíð og segir myndina létta, auðmelta og afar skemmtilega. Myndin kemur í íslensk kvikmyndahús 26. febrúar.

Í umsögn segir meðal annars:

Icelandic cinema has been increasingly popular over the last twelve months – with moody drama pieces captivating audiences around the globe. In Front of Others is a rare treat in itself: An Icelandic movie that is both romantic and a comedy. Óskar Jónasson (the director of Reykjavik-Rotterdam) has carefully written and created an Icelandic romantic comedy that pulls all the right strings and comes off as a very entertaining Icelandic film.

Og síðar:

In Front of Others is a charming romantic film, with two very likable and believable characters in the forefront. They pull off an excellent chemistry between one another, enough so that there were some teary eyes towards the end of the film. In Front of Others also has some truly funny moments, and Hanna’s dad stands out as one of the more comedic characters, along with Hubert’s Italian-obsessed best friend.

Overall, In Front of Others is an entertaining and fresh addition to contemporary Icelandic movies, and is easy enough watching that it will be popular with foreign film audiences.

Sjá nánar hér: Goteborg 2016: In Front of Others – Cinema Scandinavia

Klapptré er sjálfstæður miðill sem birtir fréttir, viðhorf, gagnrýni og tölulegar upplýsingar um íslenska kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsbransann. Ritstjóri er Ásgrímur Sverrisson.