Ágúst Jakobsson tökumaður (Málmhaus) hefur verið ráðinn til að stjórna tökum á kvikmyndinni Sword of Vengeance í leikstjórn Jim Wheedon. Tökur eru að hefjast í Serbíu. Vertigo Films í Bretlandi framleiðir myndina og Protagonist Pictures annast sölu.
Sword of Vengeance er lýst svo á síðu Protagonist Pictures:
„Returning to his homeland after long years of slavery, a Norman prince seeks revenge on his father’s murderer – his ruthless uncle, Earl Durant. Gaining the trust of a band of exiled farmers, he leads them into battle against Durant, exploiting them in his inexorable quest for vengeance. As one by one they are slaughtered in the brutal battle, will the prince sacrifice everything an everyone to fulfil his quest for blood?“