Þáttaröðin um Stellu Blómkvist er nú sýnd í Frakklandi og fær serían góða umsögn á vefnum Do It in Paris, þar sem Stella er kölluð hundóféti á háum hælum (það stuðlar).
Í umsögn vefsíðunnar segir meðal annars:
If you like Scandinavian thrillers with cold overtones and depressive characters (The Killing, Trapped, Wallander…) : pass your way. With its cocktail of sex, drugs and corruption, this series that came in from the cold makes the temperatures soar! Inspired by a novel written roman under a pseudonym (rumour has it that it could be a member of the Icelandic government), it stands out with its neon aesthetics, its breathless rhythm and its badass heroine incarnated by bombshell Heida Reed (the sex-appeal of Natalie Portman + the energy of Noomi Rapace).
Sjá nánar hér: Stella Blomkvist : the new fave badass series