Screen birtir lista yfir 19 evrópskar myndir sem sagðar eru freista hátíða á árinu. Þeirra á meðal er væntanleg mynd Hafsteins Gunnars Sigurðssonar, Undir trénu og einnig finnska myndin Tom of Finland þar sem Ingvar Þórðarson er einn meðframleiðenda.
Screen segir um Undir trénu:
Sigurdsson, director of Paris Of The North and Either Way, tells a more “brutal” story with this Icelandic drama laced with dark comedy and thriller elements. The story explores a suburban feud that erupts when one neighbour’s tree casts a shadow over another’s terrace. Rams’ Grimar Jonsson of Netop Films produces. Under The Tree has already sold to Bac for France and Scanbox for Scandinavia.
Og þetta um Tom of Finland:
This biopic of Finnish artist Touko Laaksonen – better known as Tom of Finland – tells his story from the 1940s to the 1980s, from serving Finland in the Second World War to his life in the gay scene of Los Angeles. Veteran director Dome Karukoski directs from a script by Aleksi Bardy. He says the story of the gay icon is also “a film about freedom of speech”. Pekka Strang stars.
Sjá nánar hér: 19 European films to tempt festival directors in 2017 | Features | Screen