Ófærð er óvæntasti smellur vetrarins og yfir milljón áhorfendur bíða spenntir eftir lokauppgjörinu næsta laugardag, segir The Guardian í enn einni umfjöllun sinni um þáttaröðina.
Í greininni segir meðal annars:
The first Icelandic drama ever acquired by the BBC, Trapped has become the sleeper hit of the winter, with over a million addicted fans desperately awaiting the finale on Saturday. It has all the tropes you would cross your mittened fingers for from a Nordic noir. There are bleak skies and brooding landscapes; a head-scratchingly unusual murder; a charismatic, if troubled, lead detective, and a storyline with more (pickled) red herrings than you could shake a loaf of rye bread at.
Og ennfremur:
Ólafsson plays Andri with great subtlety, especially for a man who rouses himself by rubbing snow in his big bristly beard. What’s wrong with a coffee? And why won’t he ever do up his coat? Even in an Arctic blizzard, with mini icicles growing from his facial hair, he seems relatively laissez-faire about zipping up.
Sjá nánar hér: Trapped – the Icelandic thriller that’s the unexpected TV hit of the year so far | Television & radio | The Guardian