Kaupendur og hátíðastjórar eru spenntir fyrir væntanlegum myndum Gríms Hákonarsonar, Hlyns Pálmasonar og Rúnars Rúnarssonar sem kynntar verða á Norræna kvikmyndamarkaðinum sem er hluti af Gautaborgarhátíðinni.
Þetta kemur fram á vef Norræna kvikmynda- og sjónvarpssjóðsins og þar segir ennfremur:
“More than ever, the Nordic region is booming with creativity thanks to the cross-pollination of Nordic talents working both in film and TV drama, and production companies are increasingly involved in both sectors”, said Cia Edström, who stressed the presence for the first time of Netflix’s Lina Brouneus, head of original content, Northern Europe, and Funa Maduka, acquisition exec non-English language original content. “ It’s important for the major streaming services to track who’s doing what and next to TV drama, feature film is in their sightline to beef up their libraries.”
Among the most anticipated works in progress projects are the Icelandic filmsThe Countyby Hákonarson (Rams),Echoby Rúnarsson, andA White, White Dayby Hlynur Pálmason (Winter Brothers). “I simply had to select them as they are on the top list of many festival programmers and buyers, and [the directors’] films are very different from one other, displaying the wide breath of talents from Iceland,” said Edström.
Screen segir Héraðið ennfremur vera í hópi þeirra mynda sem freista munu hátíða á árinu og í sama streng tekur IONCinema.
Sjá nánar hér: 72 buyers, 44 festival reps expected at Göteborg’s Nordic Film Market