Í vikulegum dálki um miðasöluna í Bretlandi er meðal annars rætt um Hrúta eða Rams eins og myndin kallast á ensku. Hún var frumsýnd í breskum kvikmyndahúsum fyrir þremur vikum og byrjaði rólega en hefur sótt í sig veðrið. The Guardian kallar hana „The foreign language hit.“
Sagt er frá því að myndir á erlendum tungumálum hafi ekki gengið mjög vel að undanförnu en að Hrútar sé ánægjuleg breyting á því. Hún hafi opnað fyrst í 20 sölum og tekið inn 26,900 pund (um 5 milljónir króna) fyrstu helgina. Dreifingaraðilanum hafi síðan tekist að bæta við sölum og byggja upp áhuga með þeim árangri að tekjur séu nú komnar í um 180,000 pund (tæpar 33 milljónir króna) og muni auðveldlega fara yfir 200,000 pund (36,4 milljónir króna). Slíkum árangri hafi ekki margar erlendar myndir náð að undanförnu.
Meðal miðaverð í Bretlandi var á síðasta ári 7,21 pund eða 1.312 kr. Sé miðað við það hafa rúmlega 25.000 manns séð myndina í Bretlandi hingað til. Um 22.000 manns hafa séð myndina á Íslandi til samanburðar.
The Guardian segir:
(Excluding Bollywood titles, no foreign-language film managed £1m at the UK box office in 2015, and only three cracked £300,000: Wild Tales, Force Majeure andTimbuktu. This led to a lot of despondency in the indie distribution and exhibition sectors, a discouragement for future risk-taking. So the current success of Rams – an Icelandic film about two mutually antipathetic sheep-farmer brothers from a director with no name recognition here – is all the more heartening.
Rams was released here three weeks ago with a debut of £26,900 from 20 cinemas – hardly a number that suggested Grímur Hákonarson’s film would go on to become a breakout art house hit. In fact, Rams benefited from only limited showtimes at most of its venues (a programming strategy that might be seen as either timid or realistic depending on your point of view) and so the opening site average of £1,343 was not bad.
The film’s distributor, Soda, was able to expand Rams for its second weekend, and again for its third, and held on to 24 cinemas for the fourth frame. Box office is now at £180,000, which is a healthy 6.7 times the opening number. Only eight non-Bollywood foreign-language films grossed more than that last year, and that’s including Gemma Bovery, which was partly in English. Rams will have no problem cracking £200,000 here, and it remains to be seen how far Soda can extend the run, building on warm audience buzz for the title. So far, it’s played in 60 UK and Ireland cinemas, and a further 71 have booked it for the future.
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