Vefur Scott Feinberg kvikmyndablaðamanns í Los Angeles, birtir umsögn um Hross í oss Benedikts Erlingssonar sem nú er sýnd í New Directors/New Visions flokknum á kvikmyndahátíðinni í Palm Springs.
Gagnrýnandinn, Terence Johnson, dregur hvergi af sér í lýsingum á myndinni og segir m.a.:
Told as a series of interconnecting stories involving a small town and their relationship with horses, a stunning film that plays like a book of short stories come to life. It’s a film with a timeless qualities and a strong story, and is certainly one of the best foreign language films to have screened this year.
Og hann bætir við:
Of course, also aiding in making this movie very accessible to any audience are the visuals. Watching a film like Of Horses and Men makes you understnad why so many films are being shot there. This movie is breathtakingly beautiful and cinematographer Bergsteinn Björgúlfsson manages to make a character out of the scenery. The cinematography is particularly impressive given that it’s shot mostly outdoors on ever changing terrain. There isn’t a shot in this film that’s bad or out of place, with such intense care being given to the frame.
Hann klykkir svo út með:
I really enjoyed Of Horses and Men and hope that everyone gets the chance to check this film out whenever it is made available. Films don’t come more polished and fascinating than this one.
Sjá fulla umsögn hér.