Ég man þig Óskars Þórs Axelssonar er nú sýnd í kvikmyndahúsum í Bandaríkjunum. Myndin fær fín viðbrögð nokkurra bandarískra gagnrýnenda og er sem stendur með 100% skor á vefnum Rotten Tomatoes.
Klapptré hefur þegar sagt frá umsögn The New York Times, en hér fara ummæli nokkurra annarra með hlekkjum á umsagnirnar.
Frank Scheck, Hollywood Reporter: Compellingly creepy, I Remember You should well please the many fans of the genre.
Noel Murray, Los Angeles Times: The genre’s a little twisted, but the film should still appeal to fans of books about moody detectives, doggedly pursuing justice against a frosty backdrop.
Jon Towlson, Starburst: Like many Scandi-thrillers, it’s a slow burn, but a satisfying one, and I Remember You will linger in the mind long after, like flickering shadows on an icy landscape.
Cath Clarke, The Guardian: It’s entertaining enough, but certainly didn’t have me reaching for a jumper.