Fjórða árið í röð er Jóhann Jóhannsson tónskáld meðal þeirra sem taldir eru eiga möguleika á Óskarsverðlaunum. Breski miðillinn The Week bendir á Jóhann og tónlist hans fyrir kvikmyndina Arrival ásamt öðrum kunnuglegum kandídötum á borð við John Williams og Alexandre Desplat.
Jóhann hlaut Golden Globe verðlaunin í byrjun síðasta árs fyrir kvikmyndina The Theory of Everything.
The Week segir í umfjöllun:
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story might get a look-in in this category. US composer Michael Giacchino, who is behind the soundtrack for the latest space adventure, is no stranger to the Academy Awards, having conducted the orchestra at the ceremony in 2009. The following year he won Best Original Score for Up and was also nominated for the Ratatouille soundtrack in 2008. His other notable works include Star Trek, Jurassic World, Inside Out and The Incredibles.
Giacchino will have to beat several hot contenders next year, including John Williams (The BFG), John Debney (The Jungle Book) and Alexandre Desplat (Florence Foster Jenkins). High on several predictions lists is also Johann Johannsson for the sci-fi film Arrival, starring Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner and Forest Whitaker as an elite team trying to prevent a global war against aliens.
Describing it as „this year’s must-see science fiction movie“, Den of Geek says Johannson’s score „moves between the lushly contemplative to the jarringly alien, reflecting the film’s theme of choking back fear and pressing on into the unknown“.
Sjá nánar hér: Oscar predictions 2017: Who are the favourites for next year’s awards? | The Week Portfolio