Screen um „Sundáhrifin“: Viðkunnanleg en sérviskuleg

Sundáhrifin2Jonathan Romney hjá Screen fjallar um Sundáhrifin Sólveigar Anspach sem sýnd er á Cannes hátíðinni og segir hana viðkunnanlega en sérviskulega rómantíska kómedíu sem ekki sé allra en beri skýr einkenni höfundar síns.

Romney segir m.a.:

This is a very gentle comedy of characters and situations, and the more goofy comic contrivances never feel too much at odds with the relaxed character-focused good humour. The cast is fine, with the very likeable Guesmi as a confused everyman who’s more charming than he realises and the under-rated Loiret-Caille (also seen in films by Claire Denis, Jérôme Bonnell and Agnès Jaoui, among others) showing a likeably prickly wide-eyed feistiness.

The hippie-ish duo of Jónsdóttir and Rúnólfsson can grate, but gawky, bespectacled Rebbot characteristically steals the show, especially in a scene where his misbehaving manager is grilled by a council headed by Aspach herself. Olivia Côte also has fun as a swimming teacher with a lively enthusiasm for shower etiquette.

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