Joshua Brunsting, einn gagnrýnenda kvikmyndavefsins CriterionCast, skrifar um Hross í oss Benedikts Erlingssonar og sparar ekki stóru orðin:
„…hopefully people will get to catch up with what is one of the most interesting examples of cinematic tonal experimentation as the film world has seen in quite some time.“
Og Brunsting er hvergi nærri hættur:
„From writer-director Benedikt Erlingsson the film is a decidedly icy and decidedly Icelandic blending of tones that itself is as dry and frigid as one would expect, and yet don’t short this film on just how beautiful it truly is, for that would be the worst of all possible follies.“
Hann klykkir svo út með eftirfarandi umsögn:
„…this great and unsung bit of world cinema is one of early 2014’s most interesting foreign pictures. A superb blend of moods and tones, this Icelandic once-potential Oscar nominee is a gorgeous and brazen bit of storytelling that is as assured in its physical dark comedy as it is in its bleakest moments of human despair. Toss in great performances and you have an unsung darling that, if you have the chance to, needs to be seen to be believed.“
Umsögnina í heild má sjá hér: Joshua Reviews Benedikt Erlingsson’s Of Horses And Men [Theatrical Review] / CriterionCast.