
Skoðaðu upptökuna frá RIFF Talks 2019 hér

Fyrsta umferðin af RIFF Talks fór fram á Norræna húsinu föstudaginn 4. október. Skoða má upptöku frá þessum viðburði hér.

RIFF Talks snýst um stutt erindi frá frá fólki sem hefur náð árangri í kvikmyndagerð og er tilbúið að deila því með öðrum hvað þarf til þess. RIFF Talks er í anda TED Talks, en einangrað við kvikmyndagerð. Hvert spjall er flutt af sérfræðingum sem eru með yfirsýn yfir málefnið, puttann á púlsinum og átta sig á nýjustu straumum og stefnum í kvikmyndagerð samtímans. Fyrirlestrunum er ætlað að fræða og örva skapandi fólk til athafna og aðgerða, hvetja ráðandi fólk til að hugsa og vonandi virka þeir sem innblástur fyrir fólk í bransanum.

Ísold Uggadóttir er fundarstjóri en  fyrirlesarar á þessum fyrsta viðburði eru eftirtaldir (allt á ensku):

Davíð Óskar Ólafsson: How to take your company to the next level. An inspirational talk about how Mystery Productions has evolved over 13 years.

Þórður Pálsson:  From pitch idea to reality. A journey in which director Thordur Palsson will guide us through the process of creating a TV series from an idea proposal. Thordur is in post-production on his first TV series called THE VALHALLA MURDERS which is being produced by True North, Mystery and RUV. It is part of a new partnership between DR Sales and RUV. The series is set to premiere on RUV in winter of 2019.

Zeina Abi Assy: Emerging Media is For Everyone. An introduction to emerging media from transmedia to immersive storytelling, and how technology is impacting the way we tell and experience stories. This workshop will focus on the history of emerging media, the current state of the industry and where it is heading.

Katja Adomeit: Unconventional distribution. Katja Adomeit is a German producer, based in Denmark and Germany. She loves the creative and financial side of producing and is in a constant search of new ideas that matter and different processes during development and production, that allow for new and different results. Katja is known for, just to name a few, Wolf and Sheep, The Orphanage, The Weight of Elephants, Pine Ridge, Loving Pia, Force Majeure, Team Hurricane and The Square and many more, and have worked in numerous countries including Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Germany, France, Russia, Ukraine and New Zealand. She established and owns Adomeit Film in Denmark and in Germany, where she produces international fiction films, focusing on arthouse projects by young filmmakers from all over the world. For the future, Katja wants to combine arthouse with entertainment.

Nanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir: Multi talented or efficient Multitasker? Nanna Kristín is an Icelandic writer-director, producer and one of Iceland’s most well known actresses (Heartstone, Paris of the North, XL). She is the founder and owner of CUBS Productions. Nanna Kristín graduated from the Vancouver FilmSchool in scriptwriting for film and television. In 2014 her debut short Playing with Balls premiered at TIFF. Cubs her second short film as a writer/director won Best Short Film at RIFF, the Icelandic Edda, Flickerfest, ÉCU and many more. Nanna Kristín has been nominated for The 2018 Nordisk Film and TV Fund Prize for outstanding writing for Stella Blómkvist.

Klapptré er sjálfstæður miðill sem birtir fréttir, viðhorf, gagnrýni og tölulegar upplýsingar um íslenska kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsbransann. Ritstjóri er Ásgrímur Sverrisson.