Volaða land eftir Hlyn Pálmason hlaut Baltic Film Prize verðlaunin fyrir bestu norrænu kvikmyndina á Norrænu kvikmyndahátíðinni í Lübeck Þýskalandi, sem haldin var í 64. skipti þann 2.-6. nóvember.
Anton Máni Svansson framleiðandi myndarinnar tók á móti verðlaununum.
Í umsögn dómnefndar segir:
“The Baltic Jury awards a film that shows how arrogance can turn into hatred and that humbleness is a way leading to understanding. It elaborates time and space in an outstanding way, both on a visual and philosophical level. The director places his story in a historical as well as a temporary context, that speaks directly to our Baltic hearts.”