Fernando Gros skrifar á vefsíðuna The Society for Film um Hross í oss, sem hann virðist hafa séð á kvikmyndahátíðinni í Tokyo þar sem myndin hlaut leikstjórnarverðlaunin í síðasta mánuði.
Gros er hæstánægður með myndina og segir m.a.:
„And, it’s all funny, really funny. Of Horses And Men’s humour is a bleak, dark kind of rural farce. One can image these as the sorts of stories country folk would tell over a few drinks on a cold winter’s night, the sort of tall tales that get exaggerated and elaborated upon over time till they acquire a delicate absurdity all their own. Or, to put it another way, I haven’t laughed this loud and this often in years!“
Sjá nánar hér: REVIEW: Of Horses And Men (Hross í oss) | The Society For Film.