„Z for Zachariah“ frumsýnd vestanhafs, fær fín viðbrögð

z for zachariah posterAlmennar sýningar á Z for Zachariah, sem framleidd er af Sigurjóni Sighvatssyni, Þóri Snæ Sigurjónssyni og Skúla Malmquist og leikstýrt af Craig Zobel, hefjast í dag fimmtudag í Bandaríkjunum. Fjölmargir miðlar hafa fjallað um myndina og fær hún gegnumsneytt jákvæð viðbrögð. Með helstu hlutverk fara Margot Robbie, Chiwetel Eijiofor og Chris Pine.

Hlekki á umsagnir gagnrýnenda má sjá á Metacritic.com, þar sem hún er með 68 í skor – og á Rotten Tomatoes þar sem skorið stendur í 83% – en hér að neðan eru nokkur dæmi:

Jeanette Catsoulis hjá The New York Times segir m.a.:

“Z for Zachariah” may not be the most eventful post-apocalyptic drama, but its grip is strong and sure. Set in a verdant valley (with New Zealand standing in for the American South) that has somehow survived the fallout from an unspecified nuclear catastrophe, this minimalist but deeply affecting morality play slowly tugs you in.

Alonso Duralde hjá The Wrap segir m.a.:

“Z for Zachariah” feels like a genuine rarity: an American movie that doesn’t tell you what to think or how to feel when the credits start rolling. Contemplating our doom doesn’t seem like a bad idea when it’s done this skillfully.

Jason Gorberhjá Twitchfilm segir m.a.:

…this is a film of such power and wit that I couldn’t help but being captivated by it. It’s early going to be sure, but this is a film that I can easily see being one of the best of the year, a subtle and sophisticated tale filled with raw emotions and ancient story motifs. This modern parable straddles dexterously the line between a heavy ideas film and one that provides an emotional barrage, an effort that firmly establishes Zobel as one of the more dynamic and exhilarating directors working today.

Og Peter Hammond hjá Deadline segir:

…lets three fine actors run with it. Of course at the center of this is eventually sexual tension among the trio, but it is nicely played out and subtlely done. The stars could not be better and they make this 95-minute drama entirely watchable.

Klapptré er sjálfstæður miðill sem birtir fréttir, viðhorf, gagnrýni og tölulegar upplýsingar um íslenska kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsbransann. Ritstjóri er Ásgrímur Sverrisson.