Mikill áhugi á „Everest“ stiklunni

Ingvar E. Sigurðsson leikur rússneska fjallgöngugarpinn Anatoli Boukreev í myndinni.
Ingvar E. Sigurðsson leikur rússneska fjallgöngugarpinn Anatoli Boukreev í myndinni.

Stikla Everest í leikstjórn Baltasars Kormáks var opinberuð s.l. föstudag og hefur verið til umfjöllunar víða í alþjóðlegu kvikmyndapressunni. Ljóst er að áhugi á myndinni er mikill, bæði hjá fjölmiðlum en ekki síður hjá væntanlegum áhorfendum sem eru ósparir á komment. Hér eru nokkrar umsagnir.

Dave McNary hjá Variety segir stikluna bjóða uppá stórfenglegt myndefni frá hæsta fjalli heimsins ásamt með fjallgöngumönnum í miklum háska af völdum heiftarlegar snjóhríðar.

Nick Romano hjá CinemaBlend segir stikluna „áleitna og grípandi“:

Patrick Hipes hjá Deadline segir m.a.:

The first trailer for Universal PicturesEverest dropped today and it is provides a chilling glimpse at what must be one of the most terrifying sights ever: What happens when you reach the peak of the world’s most famous mountain and see one of the fiercest snowstorms ever encountered heading your way? […] It looks like Kormakur has brought his game from 2012’s The Deep, another survival story he made epic in scope. This one is in 3D and Imax 3D.

Matt Goldberg hjá Collider hefur þetta meðal annars að segja:

This is one of my most-anticipated films of the year, and this trailer only raises my enthusiasm. It establishes that this is a diverse group of characters, and the stakes of the climb. But oddly, while getting to the top is depicted as tough but possible (although I find it hard to believe there’s enough oxygen at the top for someone to cheer), it’s trying to get back down that might kill you. Either way, I can’t wait to see this movie, and it looks like it will be dizzying in IMAX.

Germain Lussier hjá Slashfilm segir:

Featuring one of the most impressive casts of the year, director Baltasar Kormákur is ready to take audiences to one of the most frightening and mythic places on the globe: Everest.

Robert Yanis jr. hjá Screen Rant leggur þetta meðal annars til:

From a cinematic perspective, Everest does look like it has an awful lot more in common with 2000 George Clooney vehicle The Perfect Storm – which similarly featured a bunch of men trapped in a dangerous storm, albeit in the middle of the ocean – rather than popcorn disaster films like The Day After Tomorrow (which also starred Gyllenhaal) and the aforementioned San Andreas. There’s a real gravitas to the story at hand in Everest, made all the more compelling by the fact that its events are inspired by real-life people.

That being said, it would be incredibly easy for Everest to slip into cliché, considering how many films use the “based on a true story” crutch to justify its storytelling flaws. However, with a gifted cast of performers at the top of their game (Clarke in particular has seen his career recently with major roles inDawn of the Planet of the Apes and the forthcoming Terminator: Genisys), perhaps Everest can deliver a memorable experience for moviegoers, despite the familiarity of its premise.

Devin Farci hjá þeim skemmtilega titlaða vef Birth. Movies. Death. er spenntur:

Everest is based on that book and that disaster, and it looks to be absolutely amazing. The scale of this film looks bonkers – and that’s before you realize it’s in IMAX 3D. Director Baltasar Kormákur has gone to the extreme to get across the feeling of both majesty and horror that the climbers must have felt in those agonizing days. And he’s assembled an exceptional cast – Josh Brolin, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jason Clarke and other people whose names do not begin with a J, like Keira Knightley – to tell the story of these climbers. 

The first trailer is here now; I saw this footage at CinemaCon on a huge screen and was blown away. Everest is one of my most anticipated movies of the year.

Og hér er áhugavert spjall við Jan Arnold lækni og eiginkonu eins þeirra fjallgöngumanna sem létust í slysinu sem myndin greinir frá. Arnold er leikin af Keira Knighley í myndinni. Arnold segir meðal annars:

„The trailer is so dramatic, so intense and so personally un-nerving, flinging me back 19 years.“

Útivistarvefurinn Outside segir einnig frá stiklunni og fjölmargir lesendur leggja orð í belg.

Klapptré er sjálfstæður miðill sem birtir fréttir, viðhorf, gagnrýni og tölulegar upplýsingar um íslenska kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsbransann. Ritstjóri er Ásgrímur Sverrisson.