Sagafilm endurnýjar þróunar- og dreifingarsamninga við Sky Studios í kjölfar SYSTRABANDA

Sagafilm hefur endurnýjað þróunar- og dreifingarsamninga við Sky Studios í kjölfar velgengni þáttaraðarinnar Systrabönd. Samningurinn var fyrst gerður 2019.

Variety greinir frá:

Sky Studios and leading Nordic producer Sagafilm have renewed their multi-year development and distribution deal following the recent success of the Icelandic drama series “Sisterhood.”

Sagafilm entered a partnership with Sky Studios, the European production and commissioning arm for Sky Original, back in 2019. Under the renewed pact, Sky Studios will continue to co-develop Sagafilm’s scripted series and have a first-look option to distribute them, in partnership with NBCUniversal Global Distribution.

“Sisterhood” marked the first drama produced by Sagafilm as part of its partnership with Sky Studios. The show debuted on the Icelandic streaming service Siminn in April and broke all streaming records. It was viewed over 210,000 times in its premiere week, an impressive performance considering the country has a population of 370,000 people.

Klapptré er sjálfstæður miðill sem birtir fréttir, viðhorf, gagnrýni og tölulegar upplýsingar um íslenska kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsbransann. Ritstjóri er Ásgrímur Sverrisson.